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Date: 1/30/2018
Subject: GWR News Blast - February 2018
From: Soroptimist International - Golden West Region

     February 2018        NEWS BLAST 


Procrastinator's “Happy New Year!” Yes, I delayed the January News Blast and combined it with the February News Blast because we have some exciting news to share from our January GWR Board Meeting!

Your generosity and commitment are reflecting back on you!  Using the GWR Dream Makers Pins and Dream Jars as tools, you have made it possible to say YES!    YES, we are able to increase the GWR award amounts to our five 2018 LYDA finalists; YES, we’ve designated funds to help you with your first Dream It Be It  event; and YES the region will pay for every club’s LYDA first place recipient’s dinner at the 2018 Spring Conference.

Because of your generosity, we would love to recognize all 41 LYDA recipients at our 2018 Spring Conference!  YES, just like you, everything about our LYDA recipients brings a tear to my eye, and I’m so hopeful that we can have all 41 LYDA recipients stand for applause during our celebration. Can you even imagine it?!   (YES, that puts more pressure on your club to go “beyond the cash award” and help pay for your recipient’s room and travel for the LYDA ceremony. And, YES, we know that is a challenge!)

I recently heard someone say “is your vision based on faith or fear?”  YES, I choose faith that we can make this happen because our vision is to improve lives; and YES, our members have responded to the call to collective impact and “beyond the cash award!” I have faith that we will continue to increase our generosity!  In 2016-2017:

  • 1,467 women received over $2 million in funding through the Soroptimist Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women.
  • funding increased by $196,250 (11%)
  • 112 additional women received the award (8%).
  • non-cash awards given by clubs was more than $130,806 (120% increase).
  • 84% of clubs in Soroptimist International of the Americas participated (3% increase)

From a recipient: “I taught my daughter, through example, that nothing is impossible if you try hard enough. She has been able to see my hard work and the way it has paid off.”  Why should our members settle for less? If we want to recognize our LYDA recipients at the 2018 Spring Conference, YES, we will make it happen!

To continue increasing our impact... YES, we are having an “art gallery” at the 2018 Spring Conference. Our own members’ work and/or art donation will be displayed in a silent auction format throughout the Spring Conference. You will have the opportunity to support our Dream Programs and/or own a piece of art from a fellow Soroptimist.  YES, we are planning a 2019 Summer Cruise to Alaska as a GWR fundraiser!

YES, the dates for the 2018 Leadership Training Retreat and 2018 Fall Meetings have been chosen.  Mark your calendars now and start fundraising so your members can attend events to share experiences, ideas and successes.


YES, it’s exciting to be a Soroptimist!

Best wishes,
Governor Penny


Important Dates:

  • IRS Form 1099: January 31st
  • LYDA: Your club’s recipient reported to the GWR by February 1st
  • SIA Club Grants for Women and Girls projects: March 1st
  • Soroptimist Saturday of Service: March 3, 2018
  • Call to 2018 Spring Conference: First week of March

If you have given $600 or more to any person or unincorporated business in 2017, your club must submit an IRS Form 1099 to your recipient AND to the Internal Revenue Service by January 31st.  Contact GWR Treasurer Margie Burke at with any questions.


By February 1st, your club must report your Live Your Dream Award recipient to the GWR Region to be included in the region and federation selection processes for additional recognition. Contact your GWR LYDA district committee member or GWR LYDA Chair Carolyn Lutz with any questions:

WIN $250 for your Live Your Dream Award winner!  Every club that submitted one or more Soroptimist Celebrating Success Award applications will be entered in a drawing to win $250 for their club-level LYDA recipient.  The winning club will be announced at the 2018 Spring Conference!

The Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls are funds given to Soroptimist clubs to start or continue projects in their communities that improve the lives of women and girls, in accordance with the mission of SIA. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2018.
Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls


Soroptimist Saturday of Service occurs on the first Saturday of March – this year SOS is on March 3rd.  All Soroptimist clubs are encouraged to participate in a community service project and attempt to receive media attention for our work.  Don’t forget to submit a Soroptimist Celebrating Success report!
Soroptimist Celebrating Success Awards


It is time for us to Discover, Dream and Explore!  The Call to Spring Conference will be sent to clubs and individual member emails the first week of March 2018.  Join fellow Soroptimists at the Pala Casino Spa Resort, Pala, California from June 7-9, 2018 for our Soroptimist Soaring: Discovering, Dreaming, Exploring 2018 Spring Conference.  Our second annual Soroptimist Summit will be on June 7th.  Celebrate our organization and our work to improve lives!

Contact Governor-elect Lori Reed-