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GWR Leadership Training Retreat 2021 August 6th and 7th via ZOOM
About this event
This virtual Leadership Training Safari will be include activities on 8/6 (6:30-8:00 PM) and 8/7 (9:00 AM-12:00 PM). The agenda will be full of valuable information for members who are either currently serving in a leadership role at the club-level or are interested in learning about being a committee member/chair at the club or region level.
Only registrations processed by the published deadline of 7/9 at 11:59 PM will be sent a Safari Adventure Kit Access to the Zoom meeting link will be provided in a special emailing.
Registration/Operations fee is $25 and will cover both event days.
For additional event details, please refer to the 2021 Leadership Training Retreat CALL. (Go to , click on the Meetings/Conferences Menu, and select 2021 Leadership Training option. Or navigate to the Quick Link
Leadership Training Retreat
Registration Info
Registration is required before Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 11:59 PM
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Cancellation Policy:
In the event a registrant is not able to attend the conference, requests for refunds must be made in writing to Governor-Elect Margie Burke via email to prior to 7/21/21. No refund will be approved after the deadline.
Invalid Quantity