GWR Dream Makers Program FAQs
- What is the GWR Dream Makers Program?This is a fundraising program for region-level Live Your Dream winners awarded annually at the GWR Spring Conference. This program provides individual Soroptimist members with an opportunity to contribute to the region-level Live Your Dream (LYD) award fund for the following year’s spring conference.
- How much does it cost to be a GWR Dream Maker? The suggested donation amount is $100. However, any amount above or below $100 will be gratefully accepted.
- Do I get anything for donating to the GWR Dream Makers Program? Yes! Those donating $100 or more will receive a 2025 Dream Maker Pin. You may also choose from a past 2023 or 2024 Dream Maker bracelet with charm (or a charm to add to an existing Dream Maker bracelet) while supplies last. There will be a new Dream Maker promotional item offered each year for those making the minimum donation amount. You will also be recognized at the GWR Spring Conference for your generosity!
- Where does the money go? Every penny of your Dream Maker donation goes to awards for the LYD region-level winners at the following year’s spring conference.
- Does the GWR Dream Maker program replace the silent auction fundraiser at Spring Conference? The Dream Maker program does NOT replace the annual spring conference fundraiser. The Dream Maker program is a way for individual Soroptimist members to contribute to region-level LYD Awards. The spring conference fundraiser is a way for clubs to contribute to region-level LYD Awards.
- Does the GWR Dream Maker program replace the Laurel Society Program? ABSOLUTELY NOT! The Laurel Society Program is the way that you, as an individual Soroptimist member, contribute to programs and awards at the SIA/Federation level. Your donations to the Laurel Society make it possible for women and girls across the world to achieve their dreams through SIA programs. These donations come back to the GWR in the form of LYD awards for region finalists and SIA Club Grants.
- Is my GWR Dream Maker donation an annual or one-time donation? The GWR Dream Maker program is an annual program to insure that adequate funds are available for our region-level LYD winners from year to year. However, there is absolutely no obligation to contribute on an annual basis. Once you make a contribution you will be sent information about each year’s Dream Makers Program, but you are under no obligation to participate.
- Can I pay monthly? We do not have a monthly payment system set up, but you can donate whatever you can afford. It is recommended that you keep track of your payments so you can let Deb Case know when you have become a GWR Dream Maker.
- Are there different levels to the Dream Makers program? No but there is no limit to how much you may contribute. Each year when you contribute you will receive another Dream Maker pin or another GWR Dream Maker promotional item.
- Can I contribute to the Dream Maker program for someone else? Yes, a contribution to the Dream Makers program can be made to honor anyone! A club may want honor an outgoing president with a Dream Maker pin; or contribute to the Dream Maker program as a tribute to a member who has passed away.
You can donate on-line right now, or you can preorder a Dream Maker pin from the website Storefront when supplies are available for pickup at an upcoming Spring Conference event.
Questions? E-mail GWR 2024-2026 Fundraising Chair Deb Case.
What makes the difference
between wishing and realizing our wishes?
Lots of things, and it may take months
or years for wish to come true,
but it's far more likely to happen
when you care so much about a wish
that you'll do all you can to make it happen.
Fred Rogers