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Home2021 Leadership Training

2021 LTR Logo
Golden West Region
2021 Leadership Training

August 6-7, 2021
Governor-Elect Margie Burke

Presentations and Scripts

Pillars and Chairs 
Presented by Governor-Elect Margie Burke

Membership Committee & Campfire Stories 
Presented by DOÑA Lori Reed, GWR Membership Pillar

Zoom School and Hybrid Meeting Discussion 
Presented by GWR Public Awareness Pillar Aurora Feehely

Big Goal and Accelerator Projects 
Presented by GWR Program Pillar Linda Poindexter

What You Need to Know When Leading in a Virtual World 
by DO
ÑA Karen Haughey

Communications is the Key 
Presented by District 3 Director Carole Mandino

Agenda Planning 
Presented by District 2 Director Samantha Dewing

DIBI Updates 
PowerPoint  and ZOOM audio/video recording (view from 0-6:50 minute mark)
Presented by GWR DIBI Coordinator Laura Pauli

Strategies for Your Big Hunt- First Steps for LYDA Chairs 
Presented by 
GWR LYDA Co-Coordinator Esther Devall
Slides       Video Presentation

Treasurer's Safari 
Presented by GWR Treasurer Liz Glowka

What's In Your Tool Belt- A Safari Tour of Online Resources (Script) 
Presented By GWR Secretary/Website Administrator Pat Box