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Home2022 Spring Conference Resources

Golden West Region

2022 Spring Conference Resources

Conference Actions

Presentation & Workshop Materials

Business Session Actions

GWR Laws and Resolutions Committee Report 

The 2022 Proposed Amendments to GWR Bylaws were accepted as presented

GWR Finance Committee Reports

The 2022-2023 Proposed Budget was adopted as presented

Finance Report Slides Script

GWR Nominating Committee Report

The following members were elected to serve on the 2022-2024 GWR Board of Directors

Governor-Elect: Liz Glowka

Secretary: Pat Box

Treasurer: Samantha Dewing

District 1 Director: Tori Zins

District 2 Director: Charlie Van Cleve

District 3 Director: Carole Mandino

District 4 Director: Sally Haslett  

GWR 2022 Spring Conference Official Minutes

Conference Photographs

Photo Album: Spring Conference 2022

Slides, Scripts & Handouts


Dream Big: The Power to Change the World: Slides and Script Dream Big Video

presented by Ginger Cole, Official Visitor and SIA Board Member

Dream Big Update: Slides Script

presented by DOÑA Penny Babb

Program Pillar Presentation: Slides Script

presented by Linda Poindexter, Program Pillar

Public Awareness Presentation: The Power of Storytelling Slides Script

Presented by Janet Brydon, District 4 Public Awareness Committee

Fundraising Pillar Presentation: Storytelling to Raise Funds Slides Script

Presented by Lisa Ludwig-Hammond, District 3 Fundraising Committee

Celebration of Life Slides Video

presented by Samantha Dewing, District 2 Director

Dream Makers Presentation Slides with Script

presented by Tori Zins, District 1 Fundraising Committee

Soroptimist Celebrating Success Slides Script

presented by Linda Poindexter, Program Chair

Seasoned Members Recognition Slides Script

presented by Pat Box, Region Secretary

Live Your Dream Awards Presentation Slides Script

presenter by LYDA Program Co Chairs: Governor-Elect Margie Burke and Esther Devall

Upcoming Conventions and Conferences Slides Script

presented by Governor-Elect Margie Burke


Do You Want to Dream Big presented by Dream Big Ambassadors:

DOÑAs Alice Wells, Penny Babb and Gloria Hill

The Path to a Shining Membership presented by DOÑA Lori Reed, Membership Chair

The Amazing Benefits of Sponsoring an S Club presented by Deniese Perez

Soroptimist 101 presented by Sally Haslett, District 4 Director and Margie Burke, Governor-Elect