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Home2023 Leadership Training





Hosted by Governor-elect Liz Glowka

Hilton Garden - Midtown

Phoenix Banquet Room

4000 North Central Ave.

Phoenix, Arizona

2023 Leadership Training Presentations and Resources

LTR Welcome and Introductions Script  Slides (by Liz Glowka, GWR Governor-Elect)

Real Colors Workshop Slides (by Carole Mandino, GWR District 3 Director)

Treasurer's Presentation 
Slides and Script (by Samantha Dewing, GWR Treasurer)

Secretary's Presentation Slides   Script (by Pat Box, GWR Secretary)

Pillar Presentations:

Membership: Slides and Script (by DONA Lori Reed)

Program: Slides   Big Goal Accelerator Projects Quick Guide (by Laura Pauli, GWR Program Pillar)

     Fundraising: Slides   Script (presented by Linda Poindexter, GWR Fundraising Pillar Co-Chair)

Public Awareness:  Slides (presented by Janet Brydon, GWR Public Awareness Pillar)

Photo Album: View a selection of photos capturing Leadership Training activities of learning, engagement, and fun HERE